Online private somatics sessions

Online private Essential Somatics Sessions are similar to having you own private class, and provide many of the same benefits as a clinical 1:1 session. The sessions are done remotely so take a slightly different format to a clinical session as hands-on pandiculations can not be performed with the client. Online sessions still provide you with clear guidance and expertise to help you address your own patterns of Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA).


As with a clinical session your natural posture and movement will be assessed at the start of each session to ascertain which of the clinical lessons is the most appropriate for your most prevalent pattern of SMA. Each online session focuses on one of stress reflex patterns that is present in your posture and movement, further sessions may be advised.  Following your assessment you will be guided through gentle movements that help you to restore awareness and control of the muscles at the brain level and reverse your specific patterns of chronic muscular tension. At the conclusion of each session you will learn specific Somatic Movements to practice on your own. A daily 5-10 minute Somatics routine reinforces the improvement you achieve during each session. These self-care movements are the linchpin to long-term pain relief and efficient movement.

It is generally advised to have 3-5 sessions as only one of the stress reflex patterns can be worked on during a single session.

Session cost and duration

Initial online consultation and somatics session 90 minutes £50

Subsequent online somatics sessions 60 minutes £40

If you haven’t had an online or in person clinical somatics session with Evolve Life Somatics before you will need to have a longer initial session which includes consultation and movement session.

Please note: All sessions are payable in advance via online payment or BACS

What to expect

Initial session:

  • A full comprehensive medical history

  • Assessment of your posture and movement.

  • Movement lesson focusing on your specific patterns of SMA.

  • A basic routine of Somatic Movements for home self-care.

    The home self-care sessions are vital to see the full benefits of Essential Somatic movement. Somatics is an education process not a treatment, to make long-term changes to our habituated movements patterns it important to participate regularly in these self-guided sessions.

  • Advice regarding daily movements, habituated postures, and general wellbeing.

Follow Up session:

  • Assessment of your posture and movement

  • Movement lesson focusing on your specific patterns of SMA.

  • Recap of homework from previous sessions.

  • Additional movements and routine of Somatic Movements for home self-care.
